Quality is certified at Totalmontaj
Authorizations according to PT ISCIR: C1, C4, C6, C10, R1, N SCP 1-2008:
- Authorization "Repair to stable metal containers under pressure, according to CR4-2009"
- Authorization "Repair of steam boilers, hot water boilers"
- Authorization "Installation, repair of metal pipes for fluids"
- "Installation and repair of metal pipes for steam and hot water" authorization
- "Maintenance and overhaul of mobile cranes on tracks without running rails" and "Maintenance and overhaul of mobile cranes on tracks with running tracks" authorizations
- Authorization "Installation and assembly of steam boilers, hot water boilers"
- Authorization for "Manufacturing and repairing expansion compensating pipe elements"
- Nuclear Quality Management System Authorization for Nuclear Design Activities
- Authorization for manufacturing activities in the nuclear field - graded application class 4 of the quality management system
- Certificate in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3834-2 regarding the quality system for the manufacture, assembly and repair of pressure vessels and metal structures
- Certificate of approval of the quality system according to PED 2014/68/EU for expansion joints
- EU production type examination certificate cf. PED 2014/68/EU for expansion joints
- SR EN ISO 9001:2015 certificates; SR EN ISO 14001:2015; SR ISO 45001:2018 in the field of:
- execution-assembly works, repairs and service for pipelines and technological equipment
- metal construction execution works
- design and execution of metal compensators
- execution of construction works, utility projects for fluids