Resonsabilitate, Precizie și Perseverență. Sunt valorile care ne ajută să fim cu un pas înaintea concurenței, dar și să ne mulțumim clienții, având în vedere că acționăm într-o zonă în care supozițiile nu-și au locul.

Accountability, Accuracy and Perseverance. These are the values ​​that help us to be one step ahead of the competition, but also to satisfy our customers, considering that we operate in an area where assumptions have no place.

Fabrication and installation of basket DA Câmpina

Fabrication and installation of a 15,000 m³ Petrobrazi

Fabrication of Brazi coking plant machinery

Car repair Arpechim Pitesti

Fabrication and assembly of pipes and metal constructions Grup Energetic Brazi

Linde Timișoara Skid Fabrication

BETA LIP tubing assembly

Installation of TAME BRAZI installation columns

Construction of the hall TOTALMONTAJ

Fabrication and installation of 15,000 m³ tank - metal construction Petrom Brazi Refinery

Assembly of torch heads

Furnace assembly DA - Suplacu de Barcău Refinery

Modernization of vacuum block - DAV3 installation, SC Petrotel-Lukoil SA

Pipe connections – GILB Arpechim Refinery

Odorization system in the LPG sphere at CF ramp and Negoiesti ramp; Installation and pipe connections. Petrobrazi Refinery

Fame-Biodiesel pipeline assembly and connections – Brazi Refinery

Renunciation of the Negoiesti beacon and reconnection to the Rafinaria beacon (Parc 26) Petrobrazi

Modifications and new pipeline routes, overpasses required after the demolition of facilities

Coking 1 and 2 of the constructions in square 16, AFG2 facility, Petrobrazi Refinery

Prefabrication and installation of ECTBAR1,2 installation pipes; WABAG project – Petrobrazi Refinery

Repaired pipes and equipment MTBE and Isomerization installations, revision 2010, Petrobrazi Refinery

Prefabrication and installation of GILB pipes, Petrobrazi Refinery

Prefabrication and installation of TFOP pipelines, Petrobrazi Refinery

Prefabrication and installation of pipelines for CCPP BRAZI 860MW, Metka Brazi

Repaired pipes and equipment in DAV3, RC-CCR, HPM, FG facilities, Hydrogen plant 1 and 2, Isomerization, revisions 2011÷2013, SC Petrotel – Lukoil SA

Prefabricated and installed pipe connections CX3 and DAV3 installations, Petrobrazi Refinery

Prefabricated and mounted CO and LDO skids, SYSCOM 18

Prefabricated and installed pipe connections, Glina - Bucharest sewage treatment plant

Installation of alloy steel coils in furnaces at the HB-RC, DAV, Isomerization Plant in the Lukoil, Petrom and Petromidia Refineries