

1. Prefabrication and installation of technological pipes

  • investment works, revisions, repairs and maintenance within the installations in the refineries
  • construction, installation, replacement and connection of pipes
  • prefabrication and installation of pipe connections

2. Construction work and installation of machinery

  • installation of static technological equipment specific to the industry (columns, reactors of all types, heat exchangers, etc.)

3. Fabrication and installation of tanks

  • fabrication and installation of tanks with a capacity of up to 20,000 cubic meters (with fixed covers; floating covers; fixed covers and floating membrane)

4. Fabrication and installation of metal constructions

  • fabrication and installation of metal structures for industrial storage/production halls and support structures for machines

5. Weld heat treatments of alloy steel pipes

6. Design and production of metal lenticular expansion compensators

Tătărani, strada Nuferilor, nr. 178, Prahova

Telefon: +40 244 276 783


La Totalmontaj, echipa reprezintă cea mai importantă resursă. Suntem adepții unei Echipe echilibrate: formată din membrii experimentați, dar și membrii tineri, acestia din urmă avand avantajul de a aduce idei proaspete, fiind la curent cu cele mai noi tendințe în tehnologie.