About us
TOTALMONTAJ is a private company with full Romanian capital, founded in 1994. The main activity of the company consists in the execution of construction and assembly works of pipelines, execution works, installation and repair of mechanical installations under pressure, metal structures, equipment for refineries in the petrochemical field, oil, and gas, as well as part of “new” construction projects of some factories.
In 2018 TOTALMONTAJ added a new field of activity in its list, namely "Design and production of metal lenticular expansion compensators".
Why a collaboration with TOTALMONTAJ?
- Because we are a TEAM, and the qualities which recommend us are Professionalism, Competence, Responsibility, Precision and Perseverance.
- We have all necessary certifications and authorizations to carry out the activity in the field (ISO, ISCIR, PED, CNCAN, ASME).
- We apply a rigorous quality, environment and occupational health and safety policy.
- We perform quality work, delivering it on time and in accordance with customer requirements.
Ne angajăm să promovăm integritatea și cele mai înalte standarde etice
Venim în sprijinul clienților noștri, ajutându-i să cunoască beneficiile și creditele fiscale pe care le pot accesa cu ușurință oricând.
Am reușit să ne ajutăm absolut toți clienții prin rezolvarea tuturor problemelor avute, astfel colaborarea a fost mereu una exemplară, de ambele părți.